Welcome to Evandale Primary School

Welcome to Evandale Primary School

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Evandale Primary School is situated 17 km south east of Launceston in the beautiful rural village of Evandale. Students are engaged in an innovative and stimulating learning climate that encourages them to be curious and inquisitive learners. The school consists of 7 classes from Kindergarten to Grade 6 as well as a very popular early learning program for birth- 4 years olds and their families.

Parents and carers are valued partners in their child’s education and fostering respectful relationships with all members of our school community ensures that we maintain a nurturing, family atmosphere that allows all of our students to flourish and embody our school motto “working together to be our best”. Positive behaviour supports, student wellbeing and active citizenship strengthens our approach to personalised learning that facilitates each student to grow and aspire to reach to their fullest potential.

We have a proud tradition of high academic and sporting achievement over many years and we operate under our school values of Perseverance, Understanding, Respect and Responsibility for ourselves, each other and our community. Exciting new technologies are utilised in to explore new and courageous ways of leaning to ensure we are preparing our students to be effective, responsible digital citizens.

We welcome all new families to our school community. We feel privileged to work in partnership with you to ensure your child achieves to their very best potential.

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